
Critical Healthcare Lease Clauses Not to be Neglected

There are several key differences between a standard office lease and a lease for a healthcare user. Although the overall leasing process for medical facilities is similar to other commercial leases, the specific clauses needing to be addressed and negotiated within healthcare lease agreements are highly specialized and specific to the healthcare industry.

Some of these specific lease clauses that could be neglected include Exclusivity, Lease Assignability, Death & Disability, Surrender of Premises, and Time Shares. Many of these clauses are fully negotiable; however, if not properly addressed, neglecting these items may cost a healthcare practice hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Lastly, the parking ratio, building signage, visibility, and access are all critical site evaluation components for a healthcare facility, which are different than a typical office location. In the end, these issues will affect patient satisfaction, brand awareness, and overall profitability.

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And if you would like to have a healthcare real estate specialist review your healthcare lease, reach out to Rokos Advisors today. We are here for you and happy to help.


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