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Award-winning Commercial Real Estate Experts

Need help getting out of too much space?

We know that it can be costly and frustrating when you find yourself with too much space mid-lease.  While not always obvious, there are some ways to ensure you have alignment between both your real estate and business needs.

Schedule a free 15-minute real estate consultation


Are you in the middle of your lease with too much space?

At Rokos Advisors, we put our experienced commercial real estate experts to work for you using our valuable insight, strategy, and market knowledge to help find the perfect space for your business.

Review Lease Terms
Understanding your lease rights and obligations is crucial

Evaluate the Market
The current real estate market may yield advantages when negotiating

Sublease Option
Subleasing is an option, but you could be liable if the sublessee defaults

Reconfigure Space
Consider if it's possible to reconfigure your space to better suit your needs.

Lease Negotiation
Negotiation can be a delicate process, so having a clear strategy is essential.

Cost-Benefit Analysis
Conduct a thorough cost-benefit analysis before

Download Rokos Advisors’ FREE guide to downsizing your space

Rokos Advisors Guide-Too Much Space

Solve your commercial real estate problems?

 If you’re considering consolidation or relocation, If you need help with your lease options, if you’re looking for stability, or if you’re in growth mode, we can help you get to where you’re going.

Rokos Advisors Guide-Location Selection

Need help finding the right market location?

Rokos Advisors Guide-CRE Costs

Need help negotiating a better
deal on your current space?


Need help finding great office or industrial space?


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