The Top 5 Qualities of the Best Real Estate Brokers

The advantages you unlock when you partner with a competent tenant rep broker.

When partnering with a commercial real estate broker, it's crucial to consider the various qualities and skills they bring to the table. Because working with an inexperienced broker can have a giant impact on the real estate you acquire and how much you ultimately end up paying for it.

So, here we’ve given you a detailed breakdown of the key aspects you should expect from a competent commercial real estate broker and how you can use their skills to your advantage.

Expertise and Market Knowledge

The best brokers possess a deep understanding of the commercial real estate market. They should be well-versed in local market trends, leasing rates, property values, zoning regulations, and more. This expertise enables them to provide valuable insights and guidance as you progress through the commercial real estate process. Commercial real estate markets can be complex and dynamic, and having a broker who is up to date on the latest developments and has a solid grasp of market fundamentals can significantly benefit your decision-making process.

Access to Listings and Off-Market Properties

Another asset brokers bring to the CRE process is their access to an extensive database of commercial property listings. With this database, they can actively and quickly search for suitable properties that align with your requirements and keep you informed about available options. Having a broker with access to a broad range of listings, including both on-market and off-market properties, expands your opportunities and increases the likelihood of finding the perfect property that meets your unique needs. Their connections and network play a crucial role in uncovering hidden gems and off-market deals as well.

Strong Property Research and Analysis

A reliable broker excels in conducting thorough research and analysis of potential properties for their clients. They go beyond the surface-level information and delve into critical aspects such as location, demographics, access to labor, market demand, and property condition. By evaluating these factors, the best brokers can assist you in making informed decisions about the viability and suitability of a property for your specific business needs. Additionally, skilled brokers can perform financial analysis, including assessing investment returns, lease terms, and potential risks, helping you assess the financial feasibility of a property.

Excellent Negotiation Skills

A broker's negotiation skills are paramount in securing favorable deals on your behalf. Skilled negotiators possess the ability to advocate for your interests, strike advantageous terms, and navigate complex negotiations. Effective negotiation can lead to substantial cost savings, better lease or purchase terms, and protection of your overall business interests. A competent broker understands your objectives and uses their negotiation prowess to achieve optimal outcomes.

Trusted Tenant Representation

A reputable tenant representation broker acts as your trusted advisor and advocate throughout the entire process. They prioritize understanding your goals, objectives, and unique requirements, tailoring their services to meet your specific needs. By actively representing your interests and your interests alone, the broker provides honest and transparent advice, leveraging their expertise to guide you toward the most favorable decisions. They consider your long-term business objectives, risk tolerance, and financial constraints, assisting you in making well-informed choices.


While there are many qualities a strong broker possesses, these top five key points are ones you should be extra careful to vet. When selecting a commercial real estate broker, plan to interview potential candidates, request references, and thoroughly assess their qualifications and experience. Choosing the right broker can significantly impact your commercial real estate endeavors.


If you want to talk to someone about your commercial real estate in the Twin Cities or beyond, contact a Rokos broker today. We are here for you and happy to help.

Rokos Advisors is an award-winning Minneapolis – St. Paul-based commercial real estate/tenant representation firm specializing in helping business owners find the perfect office or industrial space for their company.


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