Navigating Spec Space Costs

A Tenant’s Guide to Lease Transparency

The allure of spec spaces and model floors is undeniable. These finished-out suites serve as powerful tools for landlords to market and promote their buildings, showcasing unique features to potential tenants. However, the question arises: Should tenants bear the expenses associated with these marketing initiatives? In this blog post, we talk about the often overlooked costs that tenants may unwittingly incur and shed light on the importance of lease transparency.

The Marketing Dilemma

Spec spaces and model floors play a pivotal role in the leasing landscape, offering landlords a powerful tool to fill vacant spaces. While these curated showcases provide enticing glimpses into a building’s potential, tenants should not bear the brunt of expenses related to marketing and promotion.

Unveiling Hidden Costs

Despite the clear distinction between operating the building and marketing efforts, tenants often find themselves unwittingly shouldering expenses associated with finished-out showrooms. The fine print of operating expenses conceals charges for artwork, furniture, overtime elevator usage, utilities, and more. Even though leases may explicitly exclude such costs, tenants may uncover overcharges through meticulous lease audits.

Safeguarding Your Interests

To shield against unjustified expenses linked to spec spaces or model floors, tenants must take proactive measures. A thorough review of lease agreements is paramount, and seeking professional advice offers invaluable insights. By remaining vigilant about hidden costs, tenants can sidestep unexpected financial burdens and potential disputes with landlords.

Transparency is key. Tenants should not bear the financial burden of marketing and promotion expenses for spec spaces and model floors. Understanding the nuances of lease agreements, conducting thorough audits, an seeking professional guidance are essential steps for tenants to ensure they are not unfairly saddled with hidden costs. By navigating these challenges with diligence, tenants can make informed decisions and establish mutually beneficial relationships with landlords in the ever-evolving landscape of commercial real estate.


Are you looking for warehouse space and want some expert advice? Reach out to Rokos today! We can help you find the perfect space for your business.

Rokos Advisors is an award-winning Minneapolis – St. Paul-based commercial real estate/tenant representation firm specializing in helping business owners find the perfect office or industrial space for their company.


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