How to Downsize Your Office Space

Strategies for Efficient Workspace Utilization and Shedding Unwanted Space

In today's dynamic business landscape, organizations often face the challenge of having excessive office space that goes unused or underutilized. This not only incurs unnecessary costs, but also hampers productivity and resource allocation. However, by implementing effective strategies, businesses can transform their office spaces into efficient, vibrant work environments or downsize their space their space altogether. In this article, we explore ten actionable steps you can follow to optimize your office space and enhance workspace utilization.


Evaluate your current space utilization

Begin by conducting a comprehensive assessment of your existing office space. Examine the occupancy rates, analyze foot traffic patterns, and determine the usage of various areas. Identify sections that are consistently vacant or underutilized. By understanding the underutilization patterns, you can pinpoint specific areas that require attention and focus on optimizing their usage.

Analyze future growth projections

To ensure long-term efficiency, it is vital to evaluate your organization's growth projections. Assess expansion plans, hiring forecasts, and changes in your business model. By understanding the anticipated future growth, you can make informed decisions about the amount of office space required. This analysis will help determine if the excess office space is justified in the coming years or if downsizing is necessary.

Consider flexible working arrangements

Embrace the modern trend of flexible working arrangements. Explore options such as remote work policies, hot-desking, or shared workspaces. By allowing employees the flexibility to work from various locations, you can significantly reduce the need for dedicated workstations and optimize space utilization. Consider implementing technology solutions that support remote collaboration and communication to ensure seamless workflows.

Redesign the office layout

Evaluate your office layout and seek ways to maximize space efficiency. Consider adopting open floor plans, modular furniture, and multifunctional spaces that can adapt to different purposes. Utilize collaborative work areas that promote interaction and knowledge sharing. Effective utilization of vertical space through taller storage units or mezzanines can also optimize space usage without increasing the overall footprint.

Sublease or share space

If you have excess office space, consider subleasing or sharing it with other companies or organizations. Collaborate with a commercial real estate broker or explore coworking opportunities. This not only offsets costs but also fosters collaboration and networking opportunities. By sharing facilities and common areas, you can make efficient use of unused areas while benefiting from shared resources.

Consolidate operations

Evaluate the feasibility of consolidating multiple office locations into a single space. Centralizing operations reduces redundancies and streamlines workflows, ultimately optimizing space utilization and improving communication. Look for opportunities to integrate teams and departments under one roof, eliminating the need for duplicated resources and infrastructure.

Renegotiate lease agreements

Engage in proactive discussions with landlords to renegotiate lease agreements. Assess the current terms and explore options for downsizing or reconfiguring lease terms to align with your current needs. Shortening the lease duration or negotiating reduced rental rates can help optimize costs and utilization.

Repurpose unused areas

Repurposed underutilized leased space for alternative functions. Convert vacant meeting rooms into collaborative spaces, relaxation areas, or dedicated project rooms. Transform unused storage areas into creative hubs or breakout zones. By repurposing the space creatively, you can maximize productivity and create a more engaging work environment.

Implement shared amenities

Consider implementing shared amenities within your office building or complex. Explore partnerships with neighboring businesses or property management to provide shared facilities. Shared conference rooms, cafeterias, fitness centers, or other facilities can be utilized by multiple tenants, reducing the need for dedicated space while enhancing employee satisfaction and well-being.

Explore relocation options

If all else fails and excess office space cannot be efficiently utilized, consider relocating to a smaller, more cost-effective space. Evaluate the costs, benefits, and potential disruptions associated with relocation. Look for locations that better align with your current needs and future growth plans. Moving to a space that optimizes your resources and supports collaboration can lead to improved efficiency and reduced overheads.


Optimizing office space is a crucial aspect of enhancing productivity and resource allocation within organizations. By implementing these ten strategies, businesses can transform their office spaces into efficient, vibrant work environments. Through these strategies, your company can create an environment that maximizes productivity, fosters collaboration, and supports future growth, ultimately leading to a more efficient and effective workplace.


If you are interested in exploring ways to right-size your space, reach out to a Rokos broker today.

We are here for you and happy to help.

Rokos Advisors is an award-winning Minneapolis – St. Paul-based commercial real estate/tenant representation firm

specializing in helping business owners find the perfect office or industrial space for their company.


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